First Time Foot Tickle for Gorgeous Milf Next Door

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If there is one thing that makes me weak in the knees, it's a woman with ticklish feet! Despite her early claims (lies) about NOT having ticklish feet, I knew from the very get go that my milf neighbour Gwen was very ticklish indeed! There's no fooling a tickle lover such as myself, especially when you have soles as soft, pink, wrinkled and perfect as Gwen's!! After some flirty, clever planning, I managed to trick her into letting me take advantage of her confidence, and convinced her to be strapped to the bed after a long day at work for a little tickle explorationโ€ฆ Her soft, warm, sweaty soles were SO sweet, tasty AND ticklish!! I start by slowly removing her left boot to reveal her sweaty nylon sole. The shoe removal alone makes her giggleโ€ฆ Amazing. This was it. My sexy, ticklish bombshell neighbour was so screwed!

ืคื•ืจืกื ืขืœ ื™ื“ื™ TheFantasyChest

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  • 22:51
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